Monday, April 20, 2009

A 20-Year Overnight Success

Lol... that was exactly what this guy said. He's one of the cast in the Dark Knight. Remember him? He's this accountant working in a firm, blah blah blah.... in short, he's the big, fraudulent, greedy cheater in that film. Chin Han is his name.

I saw him on Asia Uncut. And he was a funny man, I have to concede. And when the host asked him what has Dark Knight changed for him, he replied - "I have more facebook friends and it's easier to get a date now". ROFL...

Oh, and guess what. I did something really embarrassing today, as in really really really embarrassing. And I'm not going to disclose it here. Because I know you will just have a good laugh at it and comment what a fool I was.

Happy Birthday, Jackie! (Aren't I irritating?)


APLINK said...

hey sue posted you comment on the Asia Uncut facebook group please join as more belebs keep droppin by the show :-)

APLINK said...

oops celebs i mean