I'm currently multi-tasking and am doing a terrible job at it. Yesterday was the first day of school after 2 weeks of well-deserved holidays (well, sort of). My head was aching that at one point I was thinking of dashing out of the classroom to find a comfy spot under the LRT station to have a nap. I was dozing off in all 4 classes and lunch did no help at all. I wasn't even proactive enough to entertain Mr. Patrick's perpetual stare. The monologue running through my head was screeching, "Stare however much you want, my eyes will continue to droop!!!". Reached home, wasted no time to jump on my bed and lay my head on the pillow. Shower, it can wait; TV, who gives a damn; dinner, not now thank you; Study, get out of my way!
Some of my friends have completed STPM. It's bizarre though - seeing people around me getting rid of examination papers out of their sights whilst here I am, trying very hard to concentrate on my studies. I hate switching on my laptop now cause whenever I do, (even if it's for reading or surfing the net for knowledgeable resources) I would excuse myself for 5 minutes to check out my facebook page or to play sushido on viwawa (yeah, I'm back to the game after many months of hiatus) but it'd always end up me being glued for many more minutes. The idea of ADHD struck me. I might just be the next Michael Phelps, you know. Only if I'm A BIT taller, A BIT slimmer, and look A BIT more douche-bag-like than I already am.
Yay, no time test this week. Figured so, since we have not even commenced on HRA. I must say, I was impressed by Mr. Reuben. He used to give me the impression of a relentless promoter you'd see in super/hyper-markets. But yesterday was cool despite the surging onslaught in my head.
And ya, with regards to the new year resolutions (didn't plan to come up with one until Sylvea asked me so) - I think what I want the most is to open up a little bit (a lot) more and start being a 'Yes' person. (I revealed to Sylvea a different list altogether). [Lately, I've been bracket-ing a lot and this syndrome continues in my essay as well. Gee, need to find a cure... quick.]